
Meet our editors, authors, and ambassadors who craft the content for our platform.

As physicians, scientists, medical journalists, and public health experts, we share a common goal: to provide accessible, relevant, and reliable medical resources for everyone. If you are a recognized expert in medicine, join our team!

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Editorial standards

Peer review

All our articles undergo a thorough review by experts in the relevant field to eliminate to ensure scientific accuracy and relevance.


Our content is based on evidence-based information focusing on relevant and up-to date data.


We carefully verify our sources to ensure the accuracy of the information we provide to our readers, thus preventing the dissemination of potentially controversial or outdated information.


Our authors are recognized experts in the medical field from academic institutions who expand their areas of expertise to stay on top of the latest breakthroughs in medicine and science.


Our content is continuously updated to deliver the latest and most critical information to our readers.

Patient-oriented approach

We strive to enhance patient education, facilitate physician-patient relationships, and empower patient autonomy and shared-decision making.


All our articles are in open access to provide accurate medical information for the medical community and patients.

Support GMKA Publications

Together we can create more quality medical materials, popularize the approach to

evidence-based treatment and develop the competencies of physicians.


How to become an author?

Fill out the application form

To show your willingness and readiness for a competitive selection process and let us get to know you!

Share your CV

Your background will help us better understand your level of experience.

Wait for the results

We will inform you about the selection results using the contact you provided in the application.

Frequently asked

